Society Annual General Meeting via zoom
Notice of The Blonde d’Aquitaine Society of GB Ltd Annual General Meeting to be held via Zoom on Thursday 16th September 2021, commencing at 7.30pm
Dear Member
I trust you are all well in these challenging times. It gives me pleasure in confirming that the Society's Annual General Meeting will take place via Zoom on Thursday 16th September, commencing at 7.30pm.
In order to attend the ‘’Annual General Meeting’’ you will need to register by emailing or contact the admin team on 01768 870523 with your email address, to enable them to forward you a link to join the meeting. Please inform the office if you wish to do so, by Tuesday 14th September 2021.
Below is a copy of the agenda and the accounts for your reference, should you require a paper copy please speak to the office. If you have any questions regarding these accounts please contact the admin team or forward your queries onto the above email address within 48 hours prior to the meeting, to enable us to have time to look into your queries.
We look forward to welcoming you all at the meeting,
Yours faithfully
William McElroy
Society Chairman
Click for official notice and agenda
Click below for accounts.
Click below for AGM Minutes from the 47th Annual General Meeting.