Virtual on-farm competition, Class 9, Crossbred Calf born in 2020
So we have reached the end of our crossbred classes, calf born in 2020. Special thanks must go to Reed Rigney who had the job of judging this class. Well done to all those who took part.
Don't forget our Autumn Bull sales at Carlisle on Friday 2nd October and Dungannon (N.I) on Friday 23rd October.
Comments and reasons from the Judge
Outstanding set of calves to finish the Crossbred section and I am honoured to have been asked to Judge the British Blonde Virtual Show.
Again I have placed these crossbred animals on the merits of their feeding and carcass abilities. A little harder to judge calves against each other that are six months apart in age, but there are some great calves in the younger part of the group as well.
1st - Lot 3, R D Green.
A calf that I wish there were more pictures of to be sure of his qualities, but I see a lot that I like even in a single picture. He has a heavily muscled hip, length of body and a deep full rib cage while still showing some softness. Would've liked a loin shot, but looking at the calf, I don't think he will lacking in that department. A calf that in my opinion will feed well while also producing an outstanding carcass, and has the eye appeal to bring top dollar from buyers.

2nd - Lot 12, A Watt.
One of the youngest calves in the group, but a little girl that I couldn't get past; full of red meat with an outstanding loin, rump and chest floor and still shows some softness. A calf that mirrors my first place calf, and given time could likely have been the winner in this class.

3rd - Lot 1, L Corner, (with an Honourable mention to Lot 13, T Parry)
I could have gone any number of ways with my third place calf as there were several good options here. In the end I flipped back and forth between two calves, but decided on the older calf due to his length of body, depth of rib while showing some softness. I couldn't quite get a feel for the type of the younger heifer, but she certainly showed a lot of muscle expression and will undoubtedly hang a high yielding carcass.

Well done to everyone who took part.