A date with a Blonde in the Midlands.. Club Dinner Saturday 3rd March
Start your year off right by helping the Midland Blonde Club celebrate their successes and catch up with fellow Blonde enthusiasts!
The Midland Blonde Club Annual Dinner Dance is this year being held at The Derbyshire Hotel, South Normanton on Saturday 3rd March 2018
Commencing at 7.00pm for 7.30pm dinner, dress code Black Tie.
Tickets £35 per person available from club secretaries Linda Sewell 07974 121597 or Stuart Mycock 07432 608925. Please book your tickets before Sunday 18th February.
The night will include the presentation of the 2017 Herds Competition prizes Followed by Disco.
Overnight accommodation available for anyone wishing to stay the night, contact The Derbyshire Hotel on 01773 814638 to book at a discounted rate
The evening will be preceded by the Midland Blonde Clubs AGM
Everyone Welcome