Pedigree Calf Fair Beef Expo NI

Saturday the 18th November was the last ever Pedigree Calf Fair to be hosted at the old Balmoral show grounds at the Kings Hall Belfast. Judging the Blonde section was Martin Lyons, Mountbrown Blondes, Westport, Co. Mayo. Results are as follows.
Senior Champion - David Gibson BALLYGOWAN MAVERICK sired by Landais
Reserve Senior Champion - David Gibson BALLYGOWAN MURCHISON sired by Easterton Rowan
Junior Champion - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NICO sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
Reserve Junior Champion - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NAT sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
CLASS 49 - BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 01/09/16 & ON OR BEFORE 31/12/16
1st - David Gibson BALLYGOWAN MAVERICK sired by Landais
2nd - David Gibson BALLYGOWAN MURCHISON sired by Easterton Rowan
CLASS 50 - HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 01/09/16 & ON OR BEFORE 31/12/16 and
CLASS 52 - HEIFER BORN BETWEEN 01/01/17 & 31/03/17 combined
1st - Martin McGuigan BRAY NORA sired by Islandhill Fatboy
2nd - David Gibson BALLYGOWAN NIKKY sired by Classic Intel
3rd - H&S Griffin DRUMRAYMOND NATIVE sired by Ballygowan Noble
CLASS 51 - BULL BORN BETWEEN 01/01/17 & 31/03/17 and CLASS 53 - BULL CALF BORN AFTER 01/04/17 combined
1st - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NICO sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
2nd - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NOAH sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
3rd - Johnston Farms BALLYMACAN NORMAN sired by Faredross Lonesome Lad
1st - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NAT sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
2nd - Norman McKnight SILVERWOOD NETA sired by Ardmore Gargoyle
The NI Blonde Cattle Club would like to thank the Pedigree Calf Fair for organising such a spectacular event, all the exhibitors for the super display of calves, judge Martin Lyons for making the long trip and doing such a splendid job.
It was great to see, NI club sponsor Noel Gormley supporting the event, thanks also to Bo Davidson for taking the photos and breed stewards Ali Martin, Richard McDowell and double jobbing Brian McGartland.
The PCF shields will be presented at the clubs AGM, this Friday the 24th November at 19:45, Ballinderry Inn, Moira. All members and friends welcome – with a presentation from Alan Carson of ASC Farm Services.
More pictures available @