Autumn Bull Sales

As some of you may be aware we have a large number of cattle to be sold this autumn at Worcester Mart. Firstly, we have The Doncombe herd Reduction sale which will be held on Saturday 9th September 2017. This sale has been booked for some time but has now been confirmed after the herd has completed its annual herd test.
With the recent death of Roy Kinnish, the family are also looking at holding a dispersal sale on Saturday 21st October, again this will take place at Worcester. (subject to tb test). With these two sales combined we could be looking at over 300 head of stock to be sold in this area.
With this in mind we are looking at what our best option would be for our society sale, which is currently booked for Saturday 14th October. Therefore we are trying to find out numbers of stock that are planned to be forwarded for this sale, so that we can discuss options with Clive at the Mart.
I would appreciate it, if you could notify me by Tuesday 15th August.
Carlisle Autumn Bull Sale will go ahead as planned on Friday 20th October, we don't require numbers for this at present.
Thanks in advance.