Royal Welsh Show 2017
Doncombe Indika shines taking Championship at the Welsh.
Doncombe Blondes took full honours at the Royal Welsh show, lifting both the champion and reserve champion titles by Judge Ian Appleton from Hartlepool, Cleveland who runs the Applejack herd.
Doncombe Indika was awarded the supreme championship, she was born in January '13 and is sired by Rodleigh Voageur, bred and exhibited by David and Sue Knight from Bristol. Indika also won the junior cow class before lifting the Romer Gabriella trophy for the champion female and then the perpetual trophy for the Supreme Blonde champion.
Reserve champion Doncombe Mulungu, came from the same herd who was also sired by Rodleigh Voyageur, again bred by David and Sue Knight from Bristol. Born April ’16, Mulungu started the day by winning the junior bull class before going on to win the junior championship, male championship and reserve breed championship.
Fronfedw Jazz bred and exhibited by Rhydian Davies from Lampeter born May ’14 sired by Eileen Fergus, lifting the accolades for senior bull and reserve male champion, Jazz was also awarded the Welsh Blonde club award for best Welsh member’s exhibit.
Fronfedw Cilmeri sired by Whistley Dollar, born May ‘07, again from Rhydian Davies’ Fronfedw herd lifted the Bostock herd perpetual trophy for the senior cow class
Fronfedw Jini born March ’14, again sired by Eileen Fergus from Rhydian Davies, lifted the MC Davies perpetual trophy for senior heifer.
Doncombe Lucretia born January ’15 sired by French bull Anis, another fine exhibit from David and Sue Knight won the intermediate award.
Nantygelli Madonna won the South Wales Blonde trophy for the maiden heifer class. Bred and exhibited by Stephen Pegington from Usk, Monmouthshire. Madonna later went on to take the reserve junior and female championship.
The best group of three award was lifted by the Fronfedw herd with the Doncombe team taking reserve place.
The Blonde society would like to take the opportunity to thank Agri Advisor Solicitors for their sponsorship towards the Blonde classes and to all those who exhibited or helped at the show.
Judge Ian Appleton said, ‘I thoroughly enjoyed judging the Blondes at the Royal Welsh, an excellent show of cattle; a credit to all competitors, with good weather and excellent hospitality from the South Wales Blonde Club.

Great Yorkshire Show 2017
Supreme Champion was awarded to Thor Atkinson from Cumbria with Felltop Joyce
We saw a wet start to the Yorkshire show but this didn't dampen the mood. Supreme Champion was awarded to Thor Atkinson from Cumbria with Felltop Joyce born May '14, sired by Ark Diego and bred by John Stott Cumbria. She was awarded both the Rebecca Seels Memorial trophy for the female champion as well as the British Blonde perpetual trophy for British Blonde breed champion.
Taking the Reserve championship was Lucy Corner from Co.Durham with homebred Lucyland Jellybean sired by Fronfedw Arawn born March '14.
Junior and Male Champion was awarded to Kate McNeil with Katem McAlan sired by Hallmark Boxster born April '16 from south Yorkshire.
Reserve junior was Melissa Donaldson from North Allerton with Donaldson Miss Moneypenny born March '16 sired by Ark Diego.
Other class winners were Hilltop Flora once again from Melissa Donaldson, sired by Shapfell Bongo born May '10 who won the senior cow in calf or calf at foot class born before 31st December '13.
Ian Appleton from Hartlepool, Cleveland took the honours with Ark Lacey born January '15 again sired by Ark Diego, winning the intermediate heifer class born in 2015.
The group of three was won by Lucyland Blondes and the pairs class from the same sire was won by Donaldson Blondes.
Judge Roy Kinnish from Aston Botterell, Shropshire who runs the Kinaston herd was delighted to have been asked to judge and impressed with the quality of cattle forward, he went on to say; "An exceptional show of Blonde cattle which were a credit to the exhibitors, proving quite a challenge for me to pick out the prize winners.
Eventually decisions were made and Felltop Joyce and Lucyland Jellybean took champion and reserve, not forgetting Junior champion Katem McAlan and reserve Donaldson Miss Moneypenny. Congratulations on the turnout of all exhibits."
check out our gallery for more pictures from the event.

Three Counties National Show 2017
Idefix takes Blonde championship at the National show for the second year
Standing at twelve O’clock, French bull Idefix exhibited by Paul Thomas from Berkshire took the eye of judge Alison Watt from Aberdeenshire who runs the Strathisla herd. Having won the male championship this August ’13 born bull had a busy few days going forward into the Interbreed continental pairs championship where he and his stable mate Doncombe Epona had a very well deserved reserve position before taking the reserve Interbreed award group of three when Doncombe Indika joined them with her calf at foot.
Idefix and Epona won the Farmers Weekly perpetual trophy for the Blonde breed pairs.
Doncombe Epona sired by Rodleigh Voyageur born March ‘09 won the senior cow class before winning Female champion joining Idefix in the interbreed pairs, and groups of three. Doncombe Indika also sired by Rodleigh Voyageur bred and exhibited by David and Sue Knight from Bristol born January ’13 won the junior cow class before taking the reserve female champion accolade as well as the award for the best homebred animal.
The FIERBA trophy was awarded to Samoht Labella born December ‘15 again from Paul Thomas’ Samoht herd from Berkshire sired by Cyrano. The Thomas family were delighted when Labella also lifted the junior championship awards.
The Reserve junior champion was awarded to David and Sue Knights junior bull Doncombe Muskateer born January ’16 sired by Aramis who also picked up the reserve male championship.
The Blackwater perpetual trophy for the intermediate bull class was awarded to French bull Leo born December’15 sired by Akelarre owned by Newlands Farm from Berkshire.
The Meatgold perpetual trophy for the calved heifer born on or between January and December ’14 was awarded to Meadow Jewell born January ’14 sired by Thornbury Gerrard bred and exhibited by Linda Sewell from Cambridgeshire.
Whistley Lella born April ’15 sired by French bull Diego bred and exhibited by Stephen Potter was awarded the Hillhead perpetual challenge trophy for the senior heifer class.
The maiden heifer Doncombe Madhu born January’16 sired once again by French bull Aramis from David and Sue Knight lifted the Avonparks trophy for the junior heifer class.
The junior maiden heifer class was won by Samoht Magenta born June ’16 sired by the days champion Idefix again from Paul Thomas.
The final pedigree class of the day saw Mintys Mr Bean born December‘16 bred and exhibited by Minty Mayhew from Wilktshire, sired by French bull Aramis lift her trophy for the calf class.
The commercial championship was awarded to Oxo, bred and exhibited by Paul Thomas born June’16 sired by Doncombe First Eagle.
The first day of our seventh National show was concluded with a presentation dinner whereby a feast of Blonde beef was enjoyed, beef having been provided by Stephen Potter of the Whistley herd.
We would like to thank Gerald Shearing our sponsor, our judge Alison Watt, all of the stewards and livestock committee at the Three counties showground for a fabulous show.
Idefix and Doncombe Epona went on to take reserve interbreed in the continental pairs.
The group of three, went on to take the Reserve Interbreed with:-
Idefix, From the Thomas family.
Doncombe Epona from The Thomas family.
Doncombe Indika from Doncombe Blondes.
written by Caroline Jackson

Royal Highland Show 2017
Shanvalley Jagger crossed the water to take Blonde championship at the Royal Highland Show.
Senior Male, overall Male & Blonde Champion were the accolades that Shanvalley Jagger collected at the Royal Highland show presentation this year under the judges eye, Mr Andrew Bailey who ran the Baileys herd from Cumbria.
Jagger born April ’14 sired by Seaview Barney from Co.Down also collected the Brownhill perpetual challenge trophy for the best Blonde animal bred by the exhibitor.
Senior Female Champion and Reserve Overall champion went to Alan Walker from Ayrshire with Overton Jess ET with calf at foot. Jess born January ’14 was sired by Doncombe Aga Khan and bred by Sheena Kennedy.
Senior cow Hilltop Flora exhibited by Melissa Donaldson from North Yorkshire and bred by Andrew Stott from Dumfriesshire born May’10 sired by Shapfell Bongo was awarded the Buchanan trophy for the senior cow in calf or with calf at foot class.
The senior heifer class was won by Ramrig Lark from G & A Hamilton from Berwickshire born February ’15 sired by Hallfield Falcon. Lark went on to pick up the Paragon trophy.
Forthview Lisa born April ’15 bred and exhibited by James Hutton Campbell from west Lothian sired by Freefield E-Tay picked up the Aberdeen and Norhern marts trophy for the intermediate heifer class.
Junior Female Champion, reserve Female overall & overall Junior Champion went to Melissa Donaldson with Donaldsons Miss Moneypenny born March ’16 sired by Ark Diego.
The junior heifer class was won by Ramrig Midsummer born July ’16 sired by Hallfield Destiny once again from G & A Hamilton.
Junior Male, reserve Male Overall and Reserve Junior Champion went to Ramrig McGarrett from G & A Hamilton born February’16 sired by Hallfield Falcon.
Best pair & group of three went to Allison Watts’ Strathisla herd from Aberdeenshire.
Judge Andrew Bailey commented, It was a great honour and privilege to judge the Royal Highland Show. The quality of the cattle was excellent in every class. My highlights were the male champion and overall champion, the senior bull from Shanvalley. He was an outstanding example of the breed.
My female champion, from Alan Walker , was a new calved heifer with a bull calf which was exceptionally stylish in the ring. I believe she has a great future ahead of her.
My Junior Champion was a cracking heifer from the Donaldson family. Very stylish and very correct in terms of conformation and locomotion. A great example of the breed.
My junior bull and reserve junior champion, bred by George Hamilton ,was a dark muscley and correct bull which stood out in a strong class of junior bulls.
written by Caroline Jackson

The Royal Balmoral Show 2017
Shanvalley Blondes take Champion & Reserve
Shanvalley Blondes take champion and reserve at The Royal Balmoral show with Shanvalley Jagger sired by Seaview Barney exhibited and bred by Savage Brothers & Son lifting the BOCM Silcock challenge cup for Blonde champion having won the Drumraymond Blonde perpetual cup for senior bull as well as the Jeremy Paynter challenge cup for best Exhibitor bred Blonde.
Standing reserve was full sister to the champion Shanvalley Lucy taking the reserve ribbons and the Andrews Perpetual challenge cup for Best senior heifer as well as the Wilson perpetual shield for reserve champion.
Shanvalley didn't stop there, they picked up the Saville Tractors trophy for the pair of British Blondes with Shanvalley Lucy and her stablemate Shanvalley Lollypop sired by Shanvalley Fighter.
The Gary Morgan Memorial Perpetual Challenge cup for Best junior cow went to Ivaniskey Juliet sired by Bridge Elmo from I & R McElroy and son.
Budore Lyn sired by Budore Harvey bred and exhibited by the McGarry family won the Hillhead Trophy for Best Intermediate heifer.
Gledney Keva sired by Drumraymond Grafter bred and exhibited by Mark Savage lifted the DSB Farm supplies Perpetual trophy for Best junior bull.
Lifting the MR Rodgers perpetual trophy for the best junior bull and won the ribbons for junior champion was Hillhead Mario from Rodgers livestock.
Judge Pip Rodgers congratulated the members for their commitment to showing and congratulated the members on the quality of the stock put before him.
Professional photographs will be posted as available. In the meantime please see attached photographs for you to peruse.
written by Caroline Jackson